Umbrella Company Articles

This is a common query on Contractor Forums: My Recruitment Agency wants me to use their recommended umbrella company. Do I have to switch?

Normally the simple answer is YES!

Many people that become contractors fall into it. They may be looking for a job through a recruitment agency and the only positions available are temporary contracts. Others it is a long term career choice. 

editor | 21 July 2012
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On Linkedin our New Business Team members have been receiving rave reviews from recruitment agencies with temporary placements who work though our PAYE Umbrella Company.

PayMatters also operate a number of additional resource websites for people looking for information about working through a contractor umbrella company,paye, ir35 or contracting.

Paymatters have just launched their umbrella and accountancy business partners page

People googling "Which is the Best Umbrella Company?" will find many sites listing the "Top 10 Umbrella's". Most of these sites however are sites where you have to pay for listings.

editor | 30 July 2012

Contractors worried about getting a mortgage often ask is it easier to get one while working through an Umbrella Company than it is working as a contractor through their own limited company.

PayMatters the Contractor Umbrella Company have just released to their staff the latest findings from their customer reviews.

editor | 12 July 2012
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Pensions Reform


People are living longer and are therefore expected to require pensions for longer.
