PayMatters also operate a number of additional resource websites for people looking for information about working through a contractor umbrella company,paye, ir35 or contracting.

Editor | 12 July 2012
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Pensions Reform


People are living longer and are therefore expected to require pensions for longer.

If you are a company looking to employ temporary staff but are worried about the legal aspects of this then perhaps an Umbrella Company could help?

Natwest systems (bankline) are still down this morning meaning umbrella companies with a Natwest bank account are unable to access their bank statements to action what funds have been received from recruitment agencies to pay to their umbrella company employees.

Editor | 21 June 2012
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Natwest Bankline system has been struggling over the last 2 days and is now making headline news. What does this mean for contractors?

The BBC has reported that 148 of it's on screen presenters, actors or artists have been paid through their own personal service companies (limited companies) rather than as employees.

Offshore Umbrella Company

We’ve all heard this famous saying “If it’s too good to true, it probably is!” on the news recently in respect of Jimmy Carr and Take That members who have been paying considerably less tax (in percentage terms!) than the rest of us.

The number of insolvencies expected to affect UK companies is set to rise, according to analysts at, an established debt advice service. With more businesses failing to budget accordingly for HMRC liabilities, many SMEs (smal and medium sized enterprises) could be pushed over the edge.

Editor | 21 June 2012
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Jimmy Carr and some members of Take That (excluding Robbie Williams) are included in the highly paid entertainers who have been reported as benefiting from reduced tax payments by following cleverly thought out schemes recommended by their accountants.

It is being reported that HMRC have issued their first batch of IR35 letters to contractors working through their own Personal Service Companies (PSC's).
