ipse Articles

IPSE names worst offending late payers
marketing | 8 August 2022
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In an effort to improve payment practices for self-employed workers, the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed (IPSE) has named the worst offending late payers in the UK.

Since April 2017, large companies have been required to report their payment practices to the UK government. IPSE has collated information from the latest data release to find the ten companies that take the longest time to pay.

The information covers payments to limited company contractors and other businesses. Payments to umbrella contractors are not included in this information, as these contractors are paid by PAYE.

IR35 changes damage business growth, research finds
marketing | 12 April 2022
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One year after new IR35 rule changes were introduced in the private sector, research from the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) suggests they have harmed UK businesses.

Coronavirus: Contractors Working More for Lower Day Rates
marketing | 17 February 2021
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New research from the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) suggests that contractors are lowering their day rates and working more to mitigate the impact of coronavirus disruption.

The study also points to rising concerns about the government’s tax policy, including upcoming changes to IR35 in the private sector.

Lib Dems and Tories Make Self-Employed Tax Pledges IR35
marketing | 21 November 2019
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The Liberal Democrats have become the first political party to make a firm commitment to contractors ahead of the December election.

After seeing a preview of the Lib Dem manifesto, IPSE said that it included a number of policies designed to help self-employed workers, including a promise to review IR35 changes due to take effect next year.

marketing | 1 August 2019
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Boris Johnson has won the tentative support of contractor and freelancer organisations, but experts have urged the new PM to improve the economy and support the self-employed.

The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) called on the Brexit-supporting leader to keep the economy flexible and competitive in the run up to Britain’s exit from the EU.

In a statement, they called on Mr Johnson to reform the tax system and scrap damaging changes to IR35, reduce the retrospective nature of the loan charge and help stamp out late payments among other policies. 

Two-in-five Brits going freelance

New research from the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) has revealed that almost 40% of British workers have considered becoming a freelancer.

Employees working in media, marketing, PR and sales were most likely to say they wanted to go freelance (57%), with construction a close second (47%). The figures also showed that men were more likely to go self-employed than women.

When asked about the motivation for a switch, the main responses were about flexibility and better work-life balance. Interestingly, only a third of employees said they thought they would earn more if they went it alone.

IR35 changes drive one-third of contractors out of self-employment
marketing | 31 October 2021
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New research shows that more than a third of contractors have left self-employment because of changes to off-payroll working (IR35) rules.

A survey published by the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) shows that 35% of contractors no longer work for themselves.

Contractor income down 25% in locked down Q2
marketing | 20 August 2020
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UK contractors’ average income dropped by 25% in the second quarter of 2020 according to the Freelancer Confidence Index, run by contractor interest group IPSE and PeoplePerHour.

The three-month period, which includes the height of the UK’s national coronavirus lockdown, saw a record fall in the average number of weeks worked by contractors in a quarter. In the 13 weeks between March and June, the average freelancer went five-and-a-half weeks without work.

GSK Confusion is Just ‘Taste of Things to Come’
marketing | 4 September 2019
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A sense of panic and alarm spread rapidly through the wider contracting community when HMRC sent IR35 letters to more than a thousand GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) freelancers and contractors last week. But this is just a ‘taste of things to come’ when IR35 changes are extended to the private sector in April 2020, according to a contractor interest group.

How Brexit Will Affect Contractors

Brexit day is fast approaching and there is little certainty over how the negotiations will turn out.

Whatever happens, Brexit is likely to impact contractors in the UK. There may be some benefits in the short and long term, but many contractors are also likely to face some restrictions on their work.

In this blog post, we investigate the most likely Brexit outcomes and how they will affect contractors in the UK.
