conference Articles

Umbrella Accountants to attend FreeAgent Premium Partner Summit

Representatives from Umbrella Accountants will be joining other accountancy professionals from across the country at the FreeAgent Premium Partner Summit in February.

We have attended the summit for the last two years and found it informative and a chance to provide feedback to the team at FreeAgent regarding future developments. It’s also a chance to meet other accountants in the same industry and exchange ideas and solutions which we have also found extremely useful.

If any clients have any suggestions for FreeAgent for future development or improvements then we encourage you to email and we will put them to the team while we are there.

marketing | 9 October 2015
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Self-employed contractors and umbrella PAYE employees had lots of reasons to cheer at this year’s party conferences.  We’ve highlighted some of the most important points that could affect our clients. 

As the party in government, what came out of the Conservative camp in Manchester will have the most immediate impact for our contractors.

David Cameron announced a relaxation of planning rules in an attempt to boost home ownership. Under the plans, builders would no longer be required to offer low-cost ‘affordable’ homes as part of new developments. More building work is always welcomed by construction contractors whether they are self-employed or PAYE.