Reaction continues to dominate the news in relation to the tribunal cases (Road maintenance company Bear Scotland v Fulton, engineering firm Amec v Law and industrial services group Hertel v Wood) that ruled that workers who regularly perform overtime should have these earnings reflected in their holiday pay as this is their “normal pay”.
agency worker regulations Articles
The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) come into force next week (1st October). But are you ready?
With The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) due to launch 1st October 2011, The Telegraph newspaper claims that David Cameron has researched whether they can be diluted.
As the effective start date for AWR (1st October 2011) gets closer the Umbrella Company industry, along with end clients and recruitment agencies, appears to be favouring the Fully Compliant Umbrella Model in respect of adhering to the new regulations.
ACAS have issued a survey of the effects of AWR (Agency Worker Regulations) 9 months after they came into force.
The Final Version of The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) has been issued and contained a number of welcome changes.
If you're hearing this for the first time then you are probably thinking what does this have to do with contractors or recruitment?! The French extension is the French equivalent of the Swedish Derogation model.
Due to come into force in October 2011 the Agency Workers Regulations aim to ensure "“the basic working and employment conditions of temporary agency workers shall be, for the duration of their assignment at a user undertaking, at least those that would apply if they had been recruited directly by that undertaking to occupy the same job”.
There had been some specualtion that although contractors working through Umbrella Companies were initially going to be caught by the new regulations the new Tory Government would review this and make them outside their scope (as contractors working through their own limited companies are outside the scope).