comparing umbrella companies

When can a price comparison websites land you in trouble with HMRC? When you’re comparing umbrella companies.

05/12/2020 - 14:15

New HMRC research has revealed that some of the most attractive ‘umbrella’ deals on comparison and broker websites aren’t tax-compliant, meaning they could land you with a big bill further down the line.

The companies that come out on top of these comparison listings usually boast unbelievable take home pay figures, together with other ‘too good to be true’ advantages. In reality, the only way umbrella companies can achieve these ‘enhanced’ or ‘advanced’ rates is through tax avoidance.

Remember, YOU are responsible for paying the right amount of tax. The tax man will come after YOU if you try and cheat the system. And if a deal sounds too good to be true, YOU know that it probably is.

At, we’re proud of our track record of protecting clients through compliance. We’re accredited by the FCSA and APSCo, two of the largest and most prestigious staffing and employment bodies. We have also been approved as business partners by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC).

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